How to Go Green While on Vacation

Here are some easy steps to Go Green on your vacation:

  • Walk, bike, use public transportation, etc.: the less cars on the road, the better. You'll benefit from increased exercise (and let's face it: who couldn't use more of that?) and a lack of fuel costs (which allows you to go parasailing instead of purchasing gas).
  • Pack as light as possible. Leave behind that fifth pair of heels you're just dying to pack and consider the upside: you won't have to carry as much around and your transportation won't be forced to use more fuel (to compensate for the increased weight your suitcase will add on).
  • In addition to the convenience of instantly seeing your shot, a digital camera (containing rechargeable batteries) will take great pictures and avoid contributing to the waste of disposable cameras and batteries.
  • If renting a car is a necessity on your vacation, avoid the brand new sports car and go for the hybrid or smart car, which will go further on less gas.
  • Follow the rules that you do when you're at home: turn off the lights, turn off the TV, and turn off your air conditioner when leaving our hotel room. You'll conserve in-room energy.
  • Is it an absolute necessity to have your towels and sheets changed each day? If it is, go for it. If it's not, hang your linens up to dry and reuse them. This conserves the energy and water that are required to wash them.
  • You know that New Zealand lamb you're feasting on? Well, it went through extensive long-haul shipping and handling to get here. Next time, choose locally grown meats, vegetables, fruits and wines that will not only help you appreciate what the area has to offer, but cut out unnecessary shipping.
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